New Moon in Taurus 21° May 11, 2021

•• take a rest •• don’t push it •• kiss someone’s neck, hold your breath in oblivion and bring them into your dreamworld •• “ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space.”

New moons are for curling up in flowering meadows, with lovers or alone, and following the sound of the music through the forest. Come into the clearing and breathe with the fireflies. Make a drink. Make some violet syrup. Vanilla-patchouli in the dark. The sky is black after we cut our cords and somehow when the bulls cup the moon in their human hands we hold on even tighter. It’s through Taurean commitment to pleasure that we’re able to let go.

I’ve never believed that anything we do is in the name of some abstract urge toward survival. Being alive is so much about the pursuit of pleasure. What is survival? How does anything chase ‘survival’? It’s undefinable; we move toward pleasure. Trees bend their branches toward the sun. They stretch their roots toward water. The body strives to eliminates illness not only to ‘survive’ but to feel good. We eat not for survival but the pleasure of satiation. We wanna come for the sake of pleasure, not just procreation.

All new moons are quiet times, and with so few aspects to the moon this time, this one is extra quiet. Recalibration, rejuvenation, time spent lazing in the burrow at night and drifting in sunny streams in the afternoon. The sun and moon sextile Neptune when the moon’s at its darkest - make love in some vast oblivion and invite someone’s pulse (maybe your own?) to slow under your fingertips. As the sun and moon conjoin Lilith in Taurus too, the moment is ripe for claiming our right to feel good, and committing to our needs, our values, ourselves, our art, our love and our lovers. With a square to Jupiter, what really matters to you? What are you committed to?
Taurus is a fixed sign — we inhaled during cardinal Aries and we’ll exhale during mutable Gemini, but here in the moment between the inhale and exhale, that breath goes into the center of the chest and then spreads. Slowly it lights up the body.
At worst, we hold our breath for a lil too long before remembering how good it feels to exhale and breathe in again. At best, for a moment we are only 🌎 here.🌏 Wherever ♆ here ♆ is. Plant a seed of pleasure, however small, right where you are.


Saturn, for better and for worse


Horoscopes for the Full moon in Scorpio 7° April 26th, 2021