Neptune in Pisces: The Crash

It’s hard to believe that astrology will continue on this upward, mainstreaming trajectory it’s been on over the last several years. This is a Neptune in Pisces wave. Neptune’s been in Pisces since 2011/2012, opening the mind of the world to more spirituality (“spirituality”), but in a few years it’ll leave Pisces and the wave will likely break.

Neptune in Pisces has kinda been dissolving the whole idea of “mainstream” anyway; there isn’t really the mainstream/underground division right now. Dissolving division is what Pisces does best, but Aries thrives on it, so is this reality actually here to stay? Probably not. In addition to Neptune’s shift into Aries, in 2023 (only two years from now!) Pluto moves into Aquarius for a ~20-year stretch and that feels like either mass unitings or a huuuge resurgence of underground societies (do I mean this culturally or literally?). Anything that comes up during Pluto in Aquarius is likely to continue for another 20 years after that as the babies born during Pluto in Aquarius grow up and shape their new world.

In a sense, astrology isn’t inherently more spiritual than using or believing in meteorology, seasons, calendars or clocks. (It can be, and I personally live in its magic, but it doesn’t have to be. There is no separation between spirituality and the mundane anyway.) Despite the fact that meteorologists have only managed an ~80% accuracy rate even as close as a week out, somehow no one’s debating the validity of the weather forecast. Astrology does far better from much farther out. Like seasons and weather patterns, calendars and clocks, astrology isn’t something you “believe in” — you either use it and heed its warnings or you don’t.

This perspective needs to be brought more into focus in the next few years in order for the astrology wave to continue through 2025’s Neptune-Saturn conjunction in Pisces and Neptune in Aries 2026-2039. Unless we make a massive change to our systems of hierarchy in the next few years (ha ha ha - we can’t even bear to not go to work for a few weeks in the middle of a deadly pandemic), we still have to package it for the white/straight/cis/male logic-worshiping masses in order to keep the ball rolling. We’re still groveling at their feet asking for crumbs of respect, we’re just asking a little louder than we used to.

I wanna see this shit change. Plenty of astrology works reasonably, rationally and verifiably, but I don’t want to live in a global cult that values reason (i.e. The World According to Men Who Don’t Respect Us) over everything. I want something more  human and more primal and more rich and alive.


Full Moon in Leo


The Magic of Neptune