Mars-Uranus-Saturn: Heatwaves + True Safety

 At the root of the most dire issues we’re facing as a world sits a vast insecurity. We do not feel safe in the world. We can’t trust that we’ll be seen, embraced, supported or taken care of, and out of that fear we’ve conceived a world that ensures that we actually will not be safe. We have to fight each other to survive. None of us is safe to embody the full expanse of who we are. Basic safety and autonomy are available only to very few, if they’re able and willing to climb on top of Others with their teeth dug into their dry skin. In the dark pit of every urge for power is a frightened child who feels unsafe. We’ve created a world where money and hardness are the only ladders out of the pit, but it’s never enough. That’s not what the child needed. They only wanted to feel safe.

Saturn in Aquarius (March 2020-July 2020 + December 2020–March 2023) is pushing changes to our crumbling structures, demanding we move into the present, the only place from which we can create the future. We’re taking a cold, hard Saturnian look at what is and is not serving us as a world, and organizing. Through our differences we’re united under a common goal.

Uranus is unsettling when change is overdue. Uranus smacks us in the head, fills our bodies with tiny electrodes and lights us up until we remember and recalibrate. When we’ve drifted from our authenticity, Uranus represents the energy and events that force us to dive into creating a new life—or a new world—that really FITS. While Uranus is moving through Taurus (2018/19–2025/26), we’re asking:

  • Is what makes us “feel” secure really giving us true security? How can we create a world where seeking and hoarding money isn’t the only way to feel safe?

  • How is our relationship to the earth and to our own bodies and wellness? The climate crisis must be dealt with. The way we handle food and our bodily needs must be dealt with. What are we going to do?

  • What needs to change about the ways we seek pleasure? Are we investing wisely? Are we using escapist consumerism as a stand-in for real pleasure?

  • And IS ALL OF THIS SUSTAINABLE? Is any of it?

This week, fiery, driven, courageous Mars in Leo is activating and pushing on these burning questions. We’re living through unprecedented widespread heat waves because we’re still half-denying and doing next to nothing about climate change. Many, many people throughout the world have already been suffering the impact of climate change. With Mars simultaneously activating Saturn and Uranus, this moment looks like one big “wake the fuck up, it’s time to get our asses in gear. What are we going to DO?”

Because this week’s T-square between Saturn, Mars and Uranus will not be exact to the degree at any point, this energy looks like a multi-step process. Saturn and Uranus are already separating from their exact square. This week, Mars perfects its opposition to Saturn first — frustration or conflict or confrontation come first. If this weren’t Mars in Leo, the light that never goes out, it might even feel a little hopeless, but it doesn’t. Mars in Leo wants to take action to go forward, but Saturn in Aquarius is waiting on more information. In our lives this might feel like “how much more information could we need!?” Or it might feel like, “we are not yet safe to move. Keep still. Hold steady.” Which are you embodying - the energy of Mars in Leo that unwaveringly aims its solitary sights on the achievement of its goal, or the cooler, information-seeking-and-disseminating Saturn in Aquarius? Neither is wrong. Both are needed. Working both sides into one another might be best. A week of great action taken toward learning more? Getting the facts straight can be an act of passion.

When Mars perfects its square to Uranus later in the week, we innovate. There’s either a blast of that sudden-insight Uranian energy, the lightning strike that awakens us in the velvet night and dips us into the buzz of an epiphany, or we sit with that feeling silently buzzing inside of us. Sometimes squares to Uranus feel like being on the precipice of an orgasm we cannot quite get to bloom. It has to happen organically.

It’s with the force of Uranus that we break our way out of our boxes. We remove the shackles of a norm that’s kept us down. Mars in Leo looks Saturn in the eye and reminds him that we can end this shit. Uranus comes up from beneath the surface like an electric wave of mycelium and sets us free by the force of the remembrance that Vision is freedom. Vision (Uranus) is the foundation (Saturn) of any new world (Aquarius). What can you suddenly see?

We have to recognize that almost nothing we’re doing is sustainable. We have destroyed the Earth and ourselves, and in the near future, within our lifetimes, there will likely be no escape from the consequences. I am one of the few crazy people who love heat (normally I rarely even use air conditioning in my home and plan to return to the south for the weather) but I’ve had full-on panic attacks this summer because the heat feels so inescapable. Is this what the future looks like?

With Uranus at the apex of this T-square, everything comes back to the need for change. Uranus in Taurus is about moving toward sustainability, and cultivating real security and safety for all of us, stripping away societal constructs that have given some of us material security at the expense of others. When we feel safe in the world, in our bodies and in our relationships, and when we take care of our frightened inner child, we’re able to move through the world differently. Greed and power lust dissolve in the absence of fear and in the presence of care. We all deserve to have our basic needs met. We all deserve to feel safe. I use astrology to tunnel into the space where inner safety should be, and by unconditional presence alone, something shifts. We all have our ways of participating in these changes. How are you helping to create deeper, truer security in your world?

I also offer one-on-one consultations! In each consultation we’ll dig deep into your birth chart to explore the core of who you are and the seeds you’ve grown from. We’ll pour light over your path in life (past / present / future), your truest needs, your struggles and your strengths, as these things relate to both personal growth and fulfillment, as well as the role you fit into in the world at large.

Thanks for reading!


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