Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Libra 8º March 28, 2021

Full moons are always about culmination, clarity, balance, and preparing for release.

Culmination because the moon has been building up to full for the last two weeks and this is the peak. Full moons also signify the culmination of what’s been building since the last new moon in the same sign.

Clarity because it is the brightest part of the moon’s cycle.

Balance because full moons occur when the sun and moon exactly oppose one another – and the purpose of any opposition, any polarity, is to find a way to hold both in perfect balance.

And release because this is the brightest the moon will be; its light will begin shrinking from here.

This year’s full moon in Libra, we’re seeing and weighing the pros and cons, the rewards and consequences of creating the comfortable realm we’ve created. Is it really safe here? Can we be all of who we are here? We’re taking a real survey of the full landscape and asking ourselves if this is where we wanna be, particularly in our relationships with the other people in our lives. We’re looking at how we’re showing up as our true, authentic selves in all of our relationships and interactions with other people and evaluating what we’re learning, creating, building and balancing together.

Relationships and relationship patterns in particular gleam in the light of the full moon in Libra and we’re either seeing things really start to pan out, or seeing that what we’re doing just isn’t working. Clarity is coming, though it may not be for another few days to a week, no matter how much we’re craving it right now.

Big themes this full moon:


Independence and interdependence

My needs and our needs

My well-being and the well-being of the relationship


Conflict and its resolution

While the moon is full in Libra, the sun is also exactly conjunct both Chiron and Venus in Aries at 8º and themes of love abound. Navigating the balance between unity and division, independence and interdependence. Confronting issues head-on because that’s what best serves love. Decisions. Blending love that rattles us and love that lasts. Personal well-being and the health of a relationship. The goal isn’t to choose one or the other, but to choose both. One in each hand.

Chiron has been in Aries since 2018/19, signifying a time to both confront and heal our ego wounds (and our wounded relationship to the concept of ego), and wounds regarding division, turbulence, violence, oppression, patriarchy, will, and power. We’re feeling through the pain of separation, independence, being an individual in a big world. How do these themes feel to you today versus two or three years ago? And can you see these themes showing up in the world at large?

Mercury in Pisces is approaching a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. If we’re unwilling to move intuitively right now, to read between the lines and go by feel, something is likely getting lost in translation. “At some point you have to believe that the inadequacies of words you use will be transcended by the faith with which you use them.” (Christian Wiman, Virgo sun/Pisces moon.) Feel it out. Talk more about what pieces of music, art and film capture what you mean and use them as language.

Mars in Gemini moves toward a square to Neptune, and it conjoins the north node at this time too: an intense desire to cut through Neptune’s fog, make sense of the bullshit and find the clarity we’re craving. But at the time of the full moon, we’re not quite there. We’re still just beginning to confront whatever is going down here. This confrontation process is a primary theme this Aries season overall - with Mars in Gemini ruling the sun in Aries, we want to say everything that needs to be said. Neptune temporarily stands in the way, but we ultimately burn through the haze with sharp eyes and minds. The full moon in Libra helps shed some light on some of the things we’re wrestling with.

The moon begins to die following every full moon. Under the light of the full moon we condition and brush out our hair, and then we start cutting our split ends. We can let go of the old-world unit of “us” without letting go of love itself. We can work on healing ourselves, healing our relationship to love, our relationship to connection. We can find ways to expand on the love we have. We’re not necessarily closing the box and burning it; we’re figuring out how to once again find meaning in the love we have for both others and ourselves, and how to create relationships that feed our authenticity.

We all feel every transit in one way or another. People with planets at 5-11 degrees of cardinal signs, pay extra attention - this one might show up more intimately in your life.

Here’s an idea of how each rising sign can expect this full moon to play out:

Aries Rising

Is your love for others equal to and balanced with your love for yourself? How have you done with compromise these last six months - have you overdone it or underdone it? Review what you’ve had to do in order to keep your relationships flowing since last October and ask: is it working for you? Does it feel good to you? Is it time to let go of someone, make a change to how you show up in your relationships, or have another relationship check-in?

Chiron in your first house of self/body hasn’t been easy, particularly with issues of autonomy, insecurity, and the sense that you have to carry everything on your own. This full moon, think about what you need help with and move toward balancing your give and take. With Mercury conjunct Neptune in your 12th house, this may not be the best time to communicate. If you can, maybe give it another week, and in the meantime, enjoy those extra vivid dreams this week.

Taurus Rising

How is your subconscious affecting your daily life? Are you caring for your mental health, and asking for/accepting help from the people around you? You can have a tendency to retreat into the darkness on your own, bravely exploring those damp inner caves with enthusiasm, but maybe you’re feeling like you want someone (friend? lover? sidekick?) to come into those places with you. Over the last couple years, it’s felt less thrilling to go diving into the subconscious by yourself; maybe you even feel angry about having had to for so long. Neptune conjunct Mercury in your 11th feels like synchronistic run-ins with friends. Maybe they’d like to go exploring with you?

Gemini Rising

You are a student of pleasure activism. Are you surrounding yourself with people who support your playful, creative spirit? Are you making space for pleasure in your life, without using it to escape? Do your friends care about this world as fiercely as you do? How are you using your gifts to serve the world, and how are you letting the world water your gifts all the way to full bloom?

Under the light of the full moon, perhaps romance or creative work is coming to fruition. Or maybe you’re realizing that it’s time to move on to something new creatively, romantically, politically, or socially. If you’ve been feeling unseen or unheard, share beauty with other people in some way. Let it bring you back into the golden web of the world. Chiron (the rift and the remedy) in Aries in your 11th house of community and grand hopes can leave you feeling lonely as you find a place in the world where you can be your authentic self, but the more you share your gifts, the more likely you are to draw in the right people.

Cancer Rising

When I sat down to write this, the line “I’m so full of love it deeply sickens me” (Motion City Soundtrack, “When ‘You’re’ Around”, circa 2005) instantly popped into my head. There is love under all surfaces, waiting to spill out. How are you doing with balancing your inner world with your outer world, and your home life with your work life? This full moon shines light into the very bottom of your being, the foundations from which you grew, your upbringing, your family. It’s okay to go out into the world seeking what you never got at home. It’s okay to have needs that you’re still longing for. It’s okay to let go of where you came from (even just a little) in order to become who you really are.

If you’ve been feeling lost, this is an opportunity to re-enchant your reality. “You did not come to face reality. You came to create reality.” (Abraham Hicks.) Join with others who are on similar quests for meaning in a world that feels vapid and vacant.

Leo Rising

Are any of your beliefs about yourself and the world starting to hold you back, or make you feel limited? Is there tension between your desire to break free, learn, or explore and your right to safety, care, or satiety? You have always been allowed to have both. Your unending quest for meaning, as defined by you, shouldn’t cost you love or comfort.

We all need our coping mechanisms - are the ones you’re using still serving you? Are you putting too much of your well-being in others’ hands? Pay attention to what’s coming up around friends, lovers, and family - saying what needs to be said might be a path to greater harmony. And though the root of the problem (whatever that problem may be) is a little fuzzy right now, you might be getting some clarity on what you really need in order to feel more balanced in your day-to-day life.

Virgo Rising

What is your relationship to intimacy, trust, vulnerability, and fear? I haven’t seen Donnie Darko in years, but somehow his fear that “every living creature on this earth dies alone” came to mind here - have you felt that you have to go through changes, darkness, loss, grief, and crisis alone? These themes may have been coming up extra strong these last couple years with Chiron in your 8th. You’re courageous in these dark places, but know that you don’t always have to go it alone.

Get clear on how you’ll be maintaining your investment in yourself and your investment in others going forward. What role do you want to play in helping others build the life of their dreams? What are you building on your own and what role do you want other people to play in that? Whatever you’ve been working toward financially, this full moon will either shine light on what needs to be altered in your process, or you might really start to see (or believe in) results.

Libra Rising

Over the last six months you’ve been working on integrating your genuine self into your relationships, refusing to over- or under-compromise. Where are you on that journey? Have your relationships grown to fit you? Chiron in your 7th house of relationships has been painful these last couple years, but at best we can hope to see Chiron show up in the form of a lover who can help heal some of those wounds surrounding being fully accepted and embraced in all your humanness, champagne and shit alike. Now feels like a big moment for your relationships. It might be time to make a decision.

With Mercury conjunct Neptune in your 6th house, it could be magical to spend some time just floating for awhile. Take a bath. Write. Listen to music while you clean your bathroom.

Scorpio Rising

Our individual well-being is innately, even biologically, tied to other people. We’re interdependent. You know that the dark places within us can be what bond us. Take enough time to yourself, and reemerge with the new realizations you’ve come to in the dark, ready to share them with others.

What self-sabotaging habits do you have that can be let go of? Do you isolate yourself too much? Or do you overdo it with work? Do you get caught up in the mundane and forget about what matters most to you? How is your day-to-day life affecting your mental health? Consider if something needs to change. This full moon is full of inner work and revelation.

Sagittarius Rising

What do you want for the world, what are your wildest, most magical visions for it, and how are you using your gifts to support that dream? We all have gifts. Are you using your vigor and ever-vernal inner enthusiasm to feed the world? Or have you focused too much on giving to the others and ultimately found yourself pouring from an empty cup? It’s high time for balancing this out. 

Perhaps some of your goals are starting to come to fruition. Those hyacinth bulbs you planted back in autumn are starting to come up from the soil after a long, cold winter.

Your relationship to love, sex, and pleasure more generally have been under the microscope for a few years now and the full moon in Libra is shining an extra light on what you’ve learned about yourself so far. Getting to know your needs and desires and what feels right for you is key.

Capricorn Rising

Hate to even seem like I’m taking a stereotypical approach to Capricorn, but this actually does feel like it could be a pretty work-oriented full moon. Things might be coming to a head at work, and this could easily be an opportunity to really make a change or ask for what you deserve. Or perhaps you’re seeing the completion of something you’ve been working toward. Maybe you’re even realizing that the work you’re doing isn’t what you want to be doing.

However, on a deeper level, this is a time to ask: what is your relationship to your “ideal self”? Perhaps some of the standards you hold yourself to have overstayed their welcome; what is it time to let go of? Or maybe you’re finally seeing some of those inner changes really take shape, some of the fruits of your hard work are starting to ripen. Either way, it’s meeting your deeper needs that’s truly most important.

Aquarius Rising

For the last few years you may have started to really take note of the ways that your comfort zone has held you back, how you’ve had to exchange your power or individualism for comfort, or how you have always been the only one you can rely on for safety. This week’s full moon in Libra shines light on the things you really believe about yourself, and how other people shape some of your core beliefs on how things work both inside and outside of you.

What can you learn about yourself through love, sex, and conversation? Can you see where the rabbit hole is leading? Sometimes you have to leave home to find home, and these next few days feel like an optimal time to journey into the mind with someone else to unpack some of this stuff.

Pisces Rising

A very “what’s done in the dark will be brought to the light” moment - perhaps secrets are being revealed, either yours or someone else’s. Finances and intimacy are big focuses at the moment and you’re finding a balance between what’s yours and what is someone else’s, in both material and immaterial ways. If you can, taking control of your own financial situation might be nice.

This full moon is hitting some of the darkest and most sensitive crevices of your being - it’s okay to lean into other people for support. Try not to shrink in fear of what’s coming to light, what you’re working through, and what you’re facing. You may be comfortable in the hazy, nebulous Piscean waters, but exposure can be liberating. If it’s someone else’s vulnerability you’re dealing with right now, can you cup them in your hands and help show them their own power?


New Moon in Aries 22º April 11, 2021 Energy + Journaling Prompts


New Moon in Pisces 23° March 13, 2021